Puskesmas health data collection, visualisation and quality

Ms Frederika Rambu Ngana, Indonesian colleague from UNDANA, assessed and described the system of recording and reporting health information by village midwives and clinic staff in two subdistricts in TTS in late 2009. A range of problems of inaccuracy and inconsistency were identified and investigated. A new system of recording health information was introduced at the clinics in early 2010, with inadequate training and no follow up support. Ms Ngana worked collaboratively with village midwives and clinic staff to made modifications to the system of collecting data that is fed into the clinic database with the aim of increasing data accuracy and completeness. The effectiveness of the modifications to the system of data collecting and reporting will be assessed in late 2010.

Ms Frederika Rambu Ngana working wth clinic staff, at Kie in Central West Timor, to improve health data reporting.